
Into the Breach shut down due to embezzlement

Most UK CS fans will know Into the Breach as the organisation that brought a team to the quarter-finals of a Major. Unfortunately, today they have closed their doors after discovering an individual who was entrusted with all financial and monetary decisions was embezzling funds.

ITB released a statement stating:

Recent events at Into the Breach have highlighted significant mismanagment within the organisation. Upon further investigation, we discovered that an individual entrusted with all finanical and monetary decisions was embezzling funds for personal use. This betrayal has left ITB in an unsustainable position, and with deep regret, we must begin the process of winding down our operations.

Since this statement was published, X has exploded. CEO and Founder of ITB Sam “SlayTheMinotaur” Cook took full responsibility noting that he was “acting as two people – one trying to match their efforts and another a destructive, alcoholic narcissist hellbent on self-immolation.” In the same statement, he also went on to explain that as “ITB goes under, people lose employment, salaries will go unpaid, money lost, hate created – all my fault and responsibility. ”

Within the comments, he admitted to embezzlement saying:

Well the company made around £4m in 2023, somewhere around £1.5m up to 2024 I think. I took around £600k in director’s loans, but at incorrect times and without due process. Blew it all on benders and self-harm action.

In a now deleted post, he went on to say the end result of his actions would be “bankruptcy and likely prison.”

This public admission raises questions about the large amounts of money players would’ve been in line to receive from previous events. From the Rainbow Six roster that participates in the R6 Share scheme, to the CS:GO lineup that attended the BLAST.TV Paris Major alongside other top tier events.

Ex-IGL of ITB Thomas “Thomas” Utting alongside others took to X to express his discontent: 

Disappointment is an understament. Your totally delusional Sam and contractually you committed fraud… I don’t know how you can publically come out with this as a “Statement” when you were trying to scam us from the start.

Thomas is not the only player to speak up from the original ITB roster that made the major, with Cai “CYPHER” Watson and Karol rallen Rodowicz also stating they are missing large sums of money in payment. Current ITB player Owen “smooya” Butterfield took a more brazen approach to X. Across multiple posts he claims that SlayTheMinotaur owes $500,000+ and then changes it later to $800,000+.

Others have come out about late payments including ex-ITB Pipeline player Jodie “Jodiee” Billington who said that she was paid late. Alongside that ex-staff like Social Media and Content Manager LiamKew and Head of Media ayykuba have come out in disgust saying they were underpaid, overworked and in some cases still owed money.

This issue does not end with ITB’s Counter-Strike division unfortunately. Professional Halo player and ex-ITB player Sica spoke up about the topic:

ITB’s boss was the most unprofessional guy I’ve had the chance to meet in esport. I knew that my teammates were waiting for crazy amount of money for months but the things I’m seeing on twitter right now is beyond imagination.

In the recent fallout of this news, UKETC the UK Esports Team Committee have removed ITB effective immediately.

Into The Breach changed ownership in July 2024, with the most recent Confirmation Statement posted to the UK’s Companies House stating Cook transferred away 609 of his shares, leaving him with just 114 Ordinary class shares, representing roughly 10.04% ownership, of ITB Esports LTD. Investment company FISHER8, who also own title sponsor bookmaker Shuffle, hold in their control (through both Fisher 8 Holdings Limited and founder Bainy Zhang) 965 Ordinary class shares representing roughly 84.9% ownership.

While no longer the majority owner, Cook remains as the sole director of ITB Esports LTD, which would allow him to take out the vast sums of money as “Director loans” without the majority owners needing to agree to such a transaction. This lack of oversight as allowed by UK Company law is likely the route that left ITB to get into the mess it has that has necessitated its closure, leaving many with no jobs and still owed money.

This news is ultimately a massive blow to UK esports especially as there are very few organisations investing in the scene. What were once great memories from the BLAST.TV Paris Major run will now be forever tarnished.

As a result of the organisation shutting down the active lineup will go into free agency:

Owen “smooya” Butterfield
Dionis “sinnopsyy” Budeci
Nicolas “Keoz” Dgus
Hristiyan “REDSTAR” Pironkov
Kamil “reiko” Cegiełko

Gustavo “Juve” Alexandre (Coach)

— Into The Breach Esports (@ITBesports) January 27, 2025

The post Into the Breach shut down due to embezzlement appeared first on UKCSGO.