After taking a year off from competitive play, William “wfn” Maskrey returns with Coalesce to UKCS and EPIC.LAN 41. This time last year he was one step away from making the finals with Arctic Raptors but fell to Viperio in the Consolidation final. Now with Coalesce, will he be able to make it all the way?
After Day one has ended UKCSGO sits down with wfn to talk about their games, what it was like playing The Last Resort three times, why he left for a year, what it is like to play with Anthony “BehinDx” Luscombe, and their expectations versus K10.
Overall how are you feeling after Day 1?
We are happy with the end result that has come from today, it could have been a bit smoother but still happy. Some of our players haven’t been to LAN in 2 years so everyone is just settling in. Losing to teams you shouldn’t lose to, and winning against teams that you shouldn’t.
To come out with a guaranteed top 6 in the upper bracket is pretty good. The best part is also the lie-in, it’s a big thing for our team. We have not slept at all. The org has been juicing us up on Monster every game today, just asking us if we want any caffeine. They have been really good for us and motivating us, really nice guys.
What are your thoughts about the new format, and did it feel good to get revenge twice on The Last Resort?
I don’t want to make excuses for the first game, but the issues with the power cuts disrupted momentum. Everyone was just waiting around and it got to us. On the T side in the first game, we were not in it and made some big mistakes that let them win the game. I feel like we always, even the result, knew we were the better team regardless of them being seeded higher. We have beaten them online and I think we are just pretty confident playing them.
Playing against them four times in one day is quite a lot, but I guess that is how it works in this system, just need to win your games.
How is it for you to be back at LAN with a team? You mixed the last EPIC.LAN but it has been a year since you have been here with a team.
I personally prefer it. When you are mixing you obviously want to do well, but it is not like you have people behind you supporting you. You are playing for yourself so it is nice to play for an org that cheers you on and supports you. I much prefer it.
Looking back at when you were with Arctic Raptors. Talk me through what happened with you being cut and where it put you afterward with Counter-Strike.
If I am being completely honest, it was the right decision to remove me at that point in time. Coming off being relegated from Advanced, it is not very nice and I wasn’t performing to the level I should have been. That was mainly due to my lifestyle choices at the time.
If I am being completely honest, it was the right decision to remove me at that point in time. Coming off being relegated from Advanced, it is not very nice and I wasn’t performing to the level I should have been. That was mainly due to my lifestyle choices at the time.
Those guys were trying to take it to the next step, win LANs, and be more professional, at that time, I didn’t align with where they were going. I still like the guys and I don’t blame them for their decision, in hindsight I would have done the same if I were them. It did me good as well, after Raptors I took a break and got to live my life a little bit. Now we are back and refreshed with a new team.
I have wanted to play with Tony [BehinDx] for a long time so that is nice. I think he is a really smart player. He is new to calling but he is getting better and we are trying to figure out a style that works for him.
Definitely for the Raptors guys dropping me was the right choice and they are doing well with the roster changes they made.
wfn and synergii at EPIC.LAN 38 with Arctic Raptors
You have mentioned BehinDx. What is his calling style and what makes you like it?
We play quite slowly which fits us and me as a player. I don’t really like taking unnecessary risks and I like being able to play in the late part of the round where I feel like I can have more impact. Tony sets me up well for that, we play mostly on our defaults, and unless I am going for a kill I am supporting or holding my side of the map down. In most rounds, we just default to where we can find a weakness.
I have wanted to play with Tony [BehinDx] for a long time so that is nice. I think he is a really smart player. He is new to calling but he is getting better and we are trying to figure out a style that works for him.
Today in the TLR game we just knew on Anubis that mid was weak, we just went mid every round in the T half without fail, just taking control. We just play simple CS and it works.
What made you come back, you have said you had changes in life. But what was the reason to come back now?
I just f*cking love this game.
That is all it is. I was still playing the game when I wasn’t competing in a team. When I am not playing I get frustrated I am not good. I am playing pugs just thinking I am s*it and I need to play more. When you get into that cycle it just keeps going. This game is what I enjoy so I thought I would come back. CS2 and a new game as well, so here we are.
wfn and BehinDx after their victory over TLR
Would you have anticipated doing this well at your first LAN coming back?
Yeah to be honest. There are only two other notable teams here, TLR and K10, the rest are mixes or lower than how we would consider ourselves. We expected to make top six and hopefully stage, I want to be there because I haven’t played on an EPIC.LAN Stage. it’s not much but I would like to play. I have been here at 9 am a fair few times but never got to the stage. I think this is the one.
You are playing K10, that is going to be a difficult opponent. What is your thought process going into the game?
I think we will just go into it like any other game. We are not going to change how we play for them. I don’t think they will do anything special against us, there is a fairly new team like us. I think we have the individuals to take them on. Just need to be ready. We had a sloppy day today but when we went into that last BO3 against TLR we played like we should. If we had played like we did in that BO3 the whole day we wouldn’t have lost a game.
It will be fun to play versus shynne because I have yet to beat him online or on LAN.
When we are losing it is down to individuals not thinking about their role in the round. Sometimes you peek and die, that is how it is. It is on LAN, you think “I can kill this guy”. I don’t think K10 will do anything special, they will just be the exact same as us. They think we are beatable, they probably consider themselves better being advanced and on HLTV and whatnot.
It will be fun to play versus shynne because I have yet to beat him online or on LAN.
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